Contact us
Stage 84 Performing Arts Limited
Managing Director Craig Winward BA(Hons)
Founder & Principal Mrs Valerie Jackson MBE
Office Contact Hours
Mon, Weds, Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm
Tues & Thurs 9.00am - 1.00pm
(Accounts administrator available Mon, Weds, Fri only)
Call the Stage 84 Office
01274 611984
Stage 84 Managing Director Mobile 07731 436094
E-mail us
Studio Addresses
(Registered address for all office enquiries, Acting, Speech & Drama, and Singing lessons)
The Old Fire Station, 29a Town Lane, Idle, Bradford, BD10 8NT
(Performing Arts, Contemporary Dance, Street & Freestyle Dance lessons)
The Old Bell Chapel, Town Lane, Idle, Bradford, BD10 8PR